
A Journey from the Head to the Heart.............

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Alas.......Another "A"

Please forgive me as I beg your indulgence for a few moments.  When I set out on this journey called "blog" it was my intent to spend a couple weeks writing about different aspects of life as an adult with ADHD that began with a particular letter of the alphabet.  A bit hokey perhaps but the "alphabet" provided a bit of structure that could be helpful in keeping me focused.  And the idea did occur intuitively and, for better or worse, I am learning to follow my intuition wherever it may lead.  

It has now been almost 6 weeks since I started this blog and I am still working on the "A's". Upon reflection I have decided there are two reasons for this.  First, but the lesser reason, there are more "A" words than I had anticipated (many suggested to me by family, friends and colleagues).  So, being the adaptable individual that I am, I have adapted my original premise to spend more or less time on a particular "letter" as it may require.  Your suggestions and ideas will also help determine the time allotment.  Second, and the primary cause for this digression from the plan is.....SUPRISE!!!.....I have ADHD.  Nobody was more surprised than me at this one.  But I will endeavor to persevere.  So please bear with me as I delve into yet another "A"...........


Typically when one becomes aware of their ADHD they first look to the medical community for help and direction.  This is where they will come into contact with many learned professionals, some of which I have mentioned in earlier postings.  They will read books, search websites, talk with doctors, psychologists and therapists.  They will quickly learn about all the pharmaceuticals available to "treat" ADHD like Strattera, Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall to name a few.  Those who are predisposed to the natural lifestyle will most certainly begin their search outside of the pharmaceutical arena.  But the vast majority of adults who have been raised in our western health culture will look to nature only after exhausting all other medical options, if at all.  Falling into this category myself, and having had limited success with pharmaceuticals, I am now beginning to research more natural alternatives to "meds".  

Now when it comes to a more natural lifestyle I am admittedly ignorant.  I occasionally partake of the local fast food franchise (though my kids will tell you I live on the stuff).  I have an occasional sweet treat (okay, I tend to binge on sugar more often than I care to admit).  And I enjoy a fine cigar with a good single-batch bourbon now and then (every man needs a vice).  Truth be told, I will often choose "quick and convenient" over healthy whenever available.  So you could say I don't pay a whole lot of attention to how I treat my "temple".  But I do try to be open-minded and am willing to learn.  So it may come as a surprise that I have little to say on today's topic.  I am turning the podium over to you, the experts, hoping that you will help shorten my (and others) learning curve on this one.  As we are all aware, focus is a problem and anything with a longer learning curve will fade into oblivion and dis-use rather quickly.

In closing there is one thing that quickly becomes painfully and frustratingly obvious to me in the search for "alternative treatments".  The path is more convoluted and branched than the neural pathways of the human brain............and there is little in the way of help or guidance available, leaving us to our own wits to discern the beneficial from the bogus.

So if you have tried an "alternative treatment" for your ADHD please tell us about your thoughts and experience.  If you are considering an alternative but are unsure or would like more information please ask us.  Perhaps you will get feedback from those who have experience with it.  As always, it is my intent for this blog to be a safe haven for sharing, learning and healing.   I welcome comments and questions so please share with us.

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